Tuesday, January 25, 2011

whats with today, today?

 Last nights potluck with friends was so much fun.. and  I managed to save some calories from the day for the evening and even though I stayed on track *i think* calorie wise my choices of foods weren't overly healthy. I know I felt bad about the cookie thing but then looking at the box i realized it wasn't as many calories as I thought and it made me feel a little better... but after last night, i don't wanna eat sweets again for a few days. Candace made this yummy baklava and i had two pieces and 2 cookies. BLAH. my other choices were good-so its not like i was off my cal count by 1000 calories or nothing but my stomach feels gross!!! lol.

 On top of that I got little sleep last night thanks to my youngest. She just tossed and turned and cried and screamed all night. It finally took my husband sleeping on the couch and me sleeping with my head at the end of the bed for her to go to sleep. I don't want to do anything today. But while cailyn is at school I am going to my moms and I think Ill try and do a little workout there.. If not I am definitely coming home and getting on the treadmill ..then I think I'm gonna enforce nap time today, even if it just all of us making a bed in the living room and watching a movie I am getting sleep damnit!!


On top of eating junk and not sleeping my body is simulating my period but with nothing. I know this can happen after the D&C procedure so I am not worried but being on birth control has never been my favorite thing and now on top of it I am having all the normal period things, fatigue and cramps and moodiness but it feels almost worse this time. My motivation to do any form of exercise is gone this week lol. Can someone please just come and pull me onto the treadmill. *ok maybe 2 or even 3 people.. I'm a big girl.* Once I am on it I know I will do it.. and its not like I am stuck on my couch.. I move around the house all day playing with the girls or cleaning. It's just for the past few days the only interaction I have had with my treadmill is when I move it a bit to vacuum around it.

Today is just one of those days you mark in the record books as a fail. I just feel like no matter how much I say I want to workout today I know deep down I am more then likely going to go to my moms and do nothing. Then come home and make hte girls and I lunch then lay down and watch pretty little liars while the girls entertain themselves.. call it bad parenting if you want... call it laziness if you want. I'm just gonna call it Tuesday.


  1. But its Tuesday lol. Just do it and you will feel good about yourself! Good luck, love the blog!

  2. lol i changed it.. see that how tired i am.. i dont even know what day it is!

  3. You crack me up Holli! I love following your blog, I read your's everytime I post on mine. Find me, I am 'Tall Girl in heels'.
