Monday, January 10, 2011

pop chips!

As I posted before I lost 2 lbs this last week. Kudos to me !!!! I feel like Im starting to get the hang of all of this. The calorie counting is easier and I can pretty much steer clear of "bad foods". It's hard but slipping up means I have to work harder to work off those calories.
 Yesterday I went with my friend Jackie to the gym. That's where I did my weigh in. I wanted to see 279 but Ill take my 280. I then proceeded to the tredmil and did a great 45 min cardio workout. I mostly power walked but for the last few minutes I started jogging. I figure if I jog a little longer every time the whale of a run wont be so hard! We then did a little weight training and we were done. It was a great workout and I was proud of myself!! We headed to the store after where Jackie bought this delicious turkey wrap and I purchased a bag of pop chips. We decided to share :)

  I LOVE POP CHIPS! I've never had them before and was surprised at how good they were. And the entire bag has less then 350 calories. Not saying I would sit and eat a whole bag, even though I totally could, but if I saved up some of my calories for the day I wouldnt feel as bad about eating them as a snack at night. I love chips, and I really feel like these were a decent alternative.

 This week I will be working on cutting out soda. I'm hoping it will help reach my 3 lb goal this week.  I see lots and lots of water in my future.. yum!

 Also if anyone has any good recipes that are low cal let me know!! my friend candyce is sending me some fab ones but I'm trying to fill my recipe box to make my life easier when my husband leaves!


1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Miss Holli! Sounds like your doing awesome :)
