Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Yesterday was amazing. My food was on track most of the day, my workout was awesome, I felt fantastic!! I owe a lot of it to something I read late Monday night on I am going to share it with you guys now. I sometimes forget my "eat to live not live to eat" motto and this is a great way to fight of what I think is hungry even when I know its not. Here it is, take some advice, take it all, take none. Its helping me so it's worth sharing!

    1. Drink one glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full.
2. Drink ice cold water. Your body will burn calories just getting the water to a normal temperature to digest. Also it is great for your complexion.
3. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily. It will help boost your metabolism, plus its anti-oxidants make your skin look great.
4. Take vitamins daily. Do not take vitamins on an empty stomache, otherwise they have nothing to catalyze with.
5. Eat ice or gum when hungry. This will make your body think it had food without the calories.
6. Eat spicy foods. They raise your metabolism.
7. Take cold showers because your body will burn calories to heat you back up.
8. Brush your teeth so you won’t be tempted to eat afterwards. 9. Wear a rubberband around your wrist. Snap it when you want to eat.
10. Use smaller plates and utensils so it seems like you ate more.
11. Chew each bite of food thoroughly and then take a sip of water between bites. You will feel full quicker and will not eat as much.
12. Sleep at least six hours a day. If you get less than six this can lower your metabolism by 15%.
13. If you start to feel hungry do sit ups.
14. Pamper yourself! Give yourself a facial, paint your nails, anything to make you feel pretty.
15. Keep track of everything you eat to manage your weight better.
16. Keep good posture, burns 10% more calories when you sit up straight.
17. Make a list of all the “bad” foods that you crave and tend to binge on. Each day, pick one to take out of your diet that you cannot eat again. Take one off the list each day until there are no more bad foods you can have.
18. Avoid eating anything bigger than about a cup, your stomach will expand and then you’ll get hungry more.
19. The smell of coffee is thought to suppress appetite.
20. Wear applied lip gloss. It makes you more aware of what’s going in your mouth. Also, flavored ones may help with cravings.
21. Have 6 small meals a day.
22. Low calorie hot chocolate curbs chocolate cravings, and makes you feel full.
23. Take a picture of yourself wearing a bathing suit or something equally important to you, look at it before you want to eat. 24. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize the stomach is full.
25. Eat lots of fiber. It makes you feel full and takes fat with it out of your body. The natural cleansing helps improve both your energy level and overall feeling of wellness.
26. Before you dig into that cake, bag of chips, candy, or whatever, take a deep breath and count to 100. Usually by the time you get to 100 you will have convinced yourself that you don’t really want it.
27. Celery actually burns calories. Every hour eat a stalk of it. Not only will it fill you up, but it will also get your metabolism kickin’.
28. Read the nutritional information. Remember, fat-free does not mean calorie-free.
29. Keep an eye on fiber content. Get as much fiber into your diet as you can, while cutting fat and calories.
30. Don’t eat a lot at once. Spread your food throughout the day. This will help to avoid binging and keep your metabolism going.
31. Avoid alcohol.
32. Do not eat in front of the computer or TV. This distracts you from recognizing you’re full.
33. Stay away from Slim-fast and other so-called “healthy” candy bars and shakes… one look at the nutrition facts will tell you why. Save yourself the money, and the calories. Buy yourself some flowers instead -- they make you happy.
34. When having cravings try drinking a tall, icy glass of water with slices of lemons or oranges -- sometimes what you think is hunger is really thirst.
35. Remember, an occasional binge doesn’t hurt, in fact it’s quite beneficial if you have reached a plateau (stopped losing weight). Just don’t binge too regularly!
and finally, 36. Love and respect yourself and your body.

I used the count to 100 thing ALOT yesterday. Today I am tackling the water every hour thing. I need a way to stay on track while I bake so much stuff. My workouts are getting more intense, and I am really digging deep to make the most of my time at the gym. Also trying to remember to do little things at home to increase my activity *jogging the dirty laundry from the hamper in the bathroom to the laundry room. vs carrying the basket to it.*  Here are some photos that are keeping me inspired! Enjoy!

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, remember not to beat yourself up over that extra scoop of potatoes or stuffing. You are fabulous the way you are and one extra spoonful will not destroy the wonderful person you are on the inside. And you can always just give that extra 5 mins to your workout to burn it off!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Its begining to look alot like christmas...

And that means Holiday food!!! EEEKKK! Every year I do the whole "this year I am gonna eat healthier and not gain any weight yadda yadda" and guess what happens every year? I end up eating 4 buckeyes and 6 sugar cookies in one sitting then cry to myself in the shower about my lack of will power. Kinda pathetic, but it true. The difference this year is that I am actively working out at least 2 times a week. I know thats not alot but its something and I am really learning to make the most of that time. I push myself everytime and I cant ask for much more than that. I am gonna try to stay away from the carbs like breads and potatoes though. I have slacked since Lance came home and I def feel it. I am more sluggish and my super powers I gained to do it everything myself while he was gone, have faded as well.

On an awesomer note, I am looking at finally doing my photo shoot. Its looking like Feb sometime and I am getting a chance to do it with a group of friends and I am excited. Of course they are all gorgeous and thin but I am gonna rock it. I feel like if I can keep this in my head maybe I will put down the cookies and pick up something more healthy! I am waiting til right before the shoot to buy any outfits, I would like to set a goal of 20 lbs, but I am gonna start small and set a December goal of 5 lbs. If I can just FEEL better it will make all the difference. Anybody have any tips on lookin super sexy?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I have not blogged in about a decade.. or at least it feels like it. But because my husband is FINALLY back and I now can use the laptop vs my phone, you all are in for a treat! I have lots of things to blog about so lets get started
 First I guess I will start by saying, it was a rough summer weight wise. I'm still down under 265 but not where I should be to reach my goal by NYE lol. But never the less I am on a healthy track and I am really OK with that part. It might take a few years but I will get there, a pound at a time. I am still an emotion eater, and I have my binge days where I eat stuff I know I shouldn't, in amounts that might disgust some people, but for the most part my eating habits are healthy and that's what matters.. or at least that's what helps me sleep at night!
   So now that we are all caught up, I wanted to share this photo with you guys. I saw it on pinterest and thought it was pretty awesome.
This is something that i found amazing. The number on a scale is just that. A number. I am so glad I never gave into buying a scale. I don't want to be trapped in a number. I want to be living my life, being a great mom, a kick ass wife, an amazing best friend, a fabulous daughter and better sister. The people around me will notice a difference in who I am on the outside based on the hard work I put in and how great that makes me feel on the inside, not by the number that comes up when I waddle on the scale!!
  Another thing I wanted to touch on was the roller coaster issue. I went on ONE and the reason I went on one because I realized I am no longer a fan of roller coasters. I felt like my glasses were gonna fall off, I wanted to vomit. I had a tough time getting the thing to latch , it was a lap one. But the guys operating the ride at Dollywood were great. They kept me calm and  squeezed my fat enough to get me in!! I still can't ride the ones where the harness comes down in front, but that's because my boobs are just too big. Hopefully losing more weight will help that too. We are planning a Disneyland trip for end of next year and if I can get another 30-50 lbs gone I should be good for all rides lol.
   We received a free elliptical from a coworker of my step dad. Its really nice but we are having a hard time finding a place to put it. I told lance that even if we don't find a space for it right now, when we get a bigger house it will come in handy. I plan on having a space for some gym equipment. I want the girls to see that there always needs to be a place everyday for activity!
I plan on trying to blog more each and everyday so stick with me folks!!!