Tuesday, August 2, 2011

when the fat get fit

On my facebook I follow this lady that is all about embracing your plus size, if any of you read the nyour body is not voldermort" link i posted she is the one who originally posted the link. There was something on there about getting healthy at any size. I am starting to become a firm believer in being fit while being fat. People are all different shapes and sizes.Each one of us has our own beautiful unique qualities. As long as we are healthy and happy who cares if we fit into a size 4? I love myself more today than I did 6 months ago. Yes the weight loss has helped but getting in touch with my love of me again has come through being proud of my accomplishments. Even the little ones, like not being out of breath when i tie my shoes!

So here is my challenge to anyone that reads my blog, next time you are naked in front of a mirror, instead of poking at your flaws and jiggling whatever jiggles, tell yourself one thing you are  proud of about your self physically. Not "oh I am a nice person" more like
Man my ass looks fantastic in these jeans. Or great job on not devouring the entire box of cookies bc now i feel healthier.

just something positive. please.