Thursday, March 7, 2013

This is that moment.

Ive been heavy my whole life. A little chubby, a little curvy, and a little jiggly. But for hte first time in my life, I FEEL fat. I am starting to notice the effects and I don't like it. I keep having dreams of my waddling around with a cane at 30 years old an d by 35 I am in one of those motorized carts. Its more of a nightmare really. I just wish I could figure this out. My brain knows what I need to do, my body knows what I need to do, my heart knows what I want I just cant seem to put it all together at once and get my fat ass going. I keep using the tomorrow excuse and I am running out of tomorrows. I keep seeing all these success stories and I have been there once and I know how that feels. I need to find it inside me to make that push. I keep thinking different things will be the miracle and work and I always seem to fuck it up. AHHHH I just dont know what to do right now.  I need advice, recipes, workouts whatever it takes!! HELP ME !! lol