Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Its not about a number.

 I'm trucking along through my first week of the rest of my life. I'm getting very aware of my eating habits. Some are hard to break like my snacking at night, others are easy, like reading the label or looking up a calorie count before I eat it. One thing that has always been tough is cooking for my family. I love a wide variety of foods, some healthy, most not. My husband is from the south and loves his fried food and potatoes. He isn't much a veggie eater but trust me he is trying. I think it's more for me then him but I love that he is trying :P I always want to make something he will eat and I feel like in doing that Ive been sabotaging myself. Well last night I stopped. 
    I made some REALLY good baked Tillapia fish with some great seasonings and a pinch of bread crumbs. I also baked up some zuchinni and yellow squash. That was dinner. My husband isnt a seafood fan but I love it.  For the first time in over a year I didn't cater to the tastes of someone else and for go the healthy option. I also realized he is perfectly capable of finding something else to eat, and he did. I had a delicious, healthy dinner followed by a pinch bowl of cut up bananas and blueberries with a tbsp of organic vanilla yogurt. It was so good. 
    I woke up this morning feeling thinner. Even though I haven't stepped on the scale yet for my weigh in I FEEL 10 times better and honestly at this point I'm gonna call that a win so far. I can't wait to work out today and continue my healthy habits. 

   I also am excited to finally be ordering my first produce box. My friend Sara *her blog about her home is incredible!* actually sent me the link a year ago and I wanted to do it but honestly was nervous about the produce I would be getting and that it might be stuff that either my family wouldn't like or I wouldn't know how to use. But now I don't care. I will find a recipe that will great and healthy for me and my family regardless the piece of produce.

 On a side note, my daughters got all this play food for Christmas and right now are playing with it all. I asked my oldest to bring me something healthy and she found the fruits and veggies and brought them to me. She put the carrots on the pretend bun and told me it was a carrot  hamburger. I just realized that in giving myself a new lease on life I am setting a better example for my girls and that feels great. I can't wait to get them in the kitchen to start helping make healthy meals and snacks!

  Time to get my butt in gear!!!

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