Thursday, January 27, 2011

a love of the outdoors!!

Along with the skinny girl in me dieing to get out, the fatty in there taking up too much space, I found out today that there is a nature lover inside me!! Every day I wake up with more and more motivation in me. Now manifesting this into results is tricky but it's there. So today I took my oldest to school and called my mom to see if she wanted to go on walk with me while I waited to pick my daughter up. I usually have about an hour or so to kill time and the sun is actually out today so some fresh air would do me and my youngest some good! We did one good lap around the neighborhood and then stopped by my sisters to get her to join us. The three of us were out, in our matching fleece vests my mom got us all for Christmas. We looked fabulous btw. We came across this dirt road and decided to take the stroller off roading!!

     It was amazing, the trees, the sun. I LOVED IT!!!! I swear by the time my husband gets back I'm gonna only eat granola and never shave my legs *jk!!* We came across this HUGE puddle. I swear it was like 10 feet wide and like 3 feet deep.. so we had to do a little maneuvering to get us all around it and dry on the other side. It was great to overcome this little obstacle because it proved to me that if I can get over the little hurdles to complete the race! It was a great  life lesson. So I think I am going to start taking the girls on weekend adventures all around the PNW . I want them to have the same love of the outdoors I discovered today. I just don't want it to take them 25 years like it did me.
    What amazed me was how fast time went by. We were out and about for over and hour and it didn't feel like it at all. I could've stayed out longer. So my personal goals, aside from weight loss are to get out more and show my girls the amazing things this earth has to offer us. I am going to start a garden as well. What better way to stay healthy then to walk out into the yard and pick it!

    It's ridiculous how amazing I feel right now guys. I weighed in today and I'm still 277. I think my moms scale is stuck on that number :P However I am dealing with my monthly gift and to not GAIN anything this week is a win!! I'm hoping that once its done I can see a decent number. Fingers crossed please!

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