Friday, January 7, 2011

its the little things right?

   I didn't have time to update this morning and Im tired so this is going to be a half attempt at a post.
    I'm doing well. Yesterday I really had my myself convinced NOT to workout. I though oh, this will be my off day. Considering it was dark and gloomy all day I thought a better plan was to lay around and do nothing.. not even turn on a light. I was going to sit in the dark, doing nothing. At least I wasn't planning on sitting in the dark scarfing down a box of oreos right? I mean to me, thats a successful day. Instead after dinner my husband started playing some music and I danced around my kitchen. Then decided to grab my balance ball and do some mild exercises. Crunches, twists, so on and so forth. Probably a total of about 30 mins in all and I thought.. gosh that was easy. I realized I dont have to jog on my tredmil for 5 hours a day as long as I do little things everyday I will reach my goal. 

   I feel like for the most part I've gotten my eating under control. I still have a hard time not snacking at night but I will choose one of my hundred calorie packs or about 10 cheez its or something. I use to eat a bowl of sugary cereal or like 10 cookies and a huge glass of milk. Its taking sometime but Im getting the hang of it all. Making small changes will add up to big results. At least I'm hoping. 

   Im weighing in on sunday when i go to the gym. I think Im gonna try to get to the gym at least 1 day a week for a really good workout. Once it gets easier I will up the days. But for right now a 2-3 hour workout 1 day a week seems manageable, but I will still continue to do all the little things around here.

Have a fab weekend everyone and GO HAWKS!

1 comment:

  1. good job. I found myself thinking the same thing too. like couldnt i do my abs while the girls are lets say...eating breakfast. i stress on the big things and forget the small things that matter. its hard for me to not snack at night too. WILL POWER lol. good luck holli i hope your results are great at the gym on sunday. let me knwo if you ever want company on those sundays.
