Wednesday, January 26, 2011

insert witty title here.. im too tired to think of one.

In the theme of being honest with you guys and myself.. I did not make it onto the treadmill last night. My monthly gift showed up in the afternoon and put me in a state of pain for most of the afternoon. I did however pop a few Tylenol and dance for a bit with cailyn in the kitchen while I made dinner.. It counts for something right? I do appreciate all the motivating words though. I was just in a lot of pain yesterday. You and I both know its an excuse but I'm making it.. sorry.
    Last night Ashlin slept all night, it would have been great if I wasn't awake laying in the fetal position hoping I wasn't going to throw up. Even though the plus side would've been losing a little weight :P*only kidding I know that bulimia is a serious disease, if you or some one you know suffers from this or any eating disorder please contact someone who can help* I didn't get sick but I still feel uneasy today. I managed to have an english muffin for breakfast and didn't even want to eat that! I am trying to take this morning in little bits and if anything I know my eating will be ok today, Ive got some progresso chicken noodle soup and some ginger tea.

   I don't have a ton to write about this morning so I guess I will go into the whole body image thing a little more.  I always feel like alot of skinny women talk about how they have fat days.. or when they look in the mirror they feel fat. My problem is different. When I lost all that weight after high school I looked great. And even a 100 lbs+ heavier I still see that girl in the mirror. Sure I have days when i feel my size but most days I look in the mirror and see  who I once was. It's only in photos or a glimpse in a mirror or window do I see what everyone else sees. It makes it tough. I can look in the mirror and think I look great in an outfit then come to find it its anything but flattering. If I had a ton of money I am sure it would help the situation but I cant see dropping 500$ at torrid just a for a few pair of jeans and a cute top. It's hard enough to get the motivation to get dressed some morning but knowing I spent that much Id keep those items behind glass never to be touched!! I think this is why I am so excited to loose my first 30 lbs. I think this will put me comfortably in a normal size at a normal store and it wont be so hard to be fashionable on a budget. Next time you go somewhere that has a plus size section take a look at half the clothes there... they look like two squares of fabric sewn together. Seriously. Last time I checked I wasn't a square.. more like a stack of different sized tires. But not a square. So I have decided that when i loose that 30 lbs.. i get a new outfit :P


  1. I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but the 3-4 days before my monthly gift arrives, I've noticed that I tend to pack on 3-5 pounds. It's not that I'm eating more (although sometimes I do because I'm ridiculously hungry right before), it's just all that bloating nonsense. So I don't take my weight as seriously right before my period...because usually the weight drops again in the next week.

  2. i hope that next week i will see a decent number.. im not holding out much hope for tomorrows weigh in lol

  3. oh girl, I totally feel you on the looking in the mirror and seeing the old skinny you. I often find myself tilting my head just right, or only looking at myself if my tummy is sucked in and I look thinner. lol. I think a lot of my weight problem comes from being in denial that I have a weight problem. I feel great most of the time, don't have much trouble keeping up with my kids, so its easy to get comfortable and ignore the fact that my BMI is obese and I should do something about it before I do develop health problems. I am trying, but some days are definitely harder than others. Keep up the good work, and you will get the results you want. Hope Aunt Flo is nicer to you today.:)

  4. Love your blog Holli! :) Mine is on the fritz right now... But if you feel like stoppin by for a visit at
    I just changed my URL and it takes a few days for it to get updated.

  5. Hey! I just found your blog through the biggest loser facebook and was so happy to see someone blogging about their weight struggles. I just recently decided to do the same thing, but it's taking me some time to get going! I want to lose 100 lbs myself, it's going to be a long road, but I know I can do it! I look forward to more of your posts!

  6. Thanks guys! so glad you came to my blog! This is a journey and we can all do it if we motivate each other! Just remember that the hardest part is that first step..realizing you want to is that first step!!

  7. Oh man I think all the time about how upsetting my current wardrobe, but I dont want to invest alot of money for a clothing size I don't want!
