Sunday, December 30, 2012


i normally dont believe in this stuff but i hope its right!

2013: Aquarius Overview

2013 is the year when all of your hard work starts to truly pay off in spades. Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, is taking up residence at the tip top of your horoscope for the next few years, giving you the make-it-or-break-it impetus to get the job done right. You've been biding your time over the past few years, collecting the necessary research and finding a slew of inspiring mentors. Now is your chance to finally get your genius concepts on the map where they belong. Yours has been a slow-and-steady climb rather than a meteoric rise to the top, thus you've built a rock-solid foundation to carry your dreams through with serious staying power. Your success is anything but a flash-in-the-pan. Over the next two years, you'll continue to work hard to build on earlier accomplishments and integrate all that you started investing in since 2000. Not only do you have the power of Saturn at full strength in your career zone for the next few years, but the mutual reception between Saturn and Pluto will quickly make you a triple-threat genius. Watch as all your latent talents quickly come rushing to the fore.
The eclipse patterns of 2013 add speed and force to the career promise that the stars have in store for you. The push of the North Node provides a definite if not unexpected fast-forward motion to any projects that have been on the back burner. Get ready for supreme acceleration with worldly status -- and life changes galore. Your home zone will also get hit by the eclipse patterns, which could generate a change of residence or just a total renovation to your existing domicile. Either way, you're getting ready for the kind of life-altering transformation that works on you from the ground up.
The pleasure cruise that began last summer will continue straight through until June as Jupiter continues to bless your love zone. Romance, creativity and sheer joy are in great abundance during the first half of the year. Use the good fortune of Jupiter in your love house to spend most of your days doing what you love most with those you adore most. If your life feels more like play than responsibility, you're living well and in accordance with the stars. You can get down to business during the second half of the year when Jupiter shifts houses and brings the bounty to your work and health house in June. The latter part of the year will keep you busy, so allow yourself the pleasure before the workload starts piling up. 2013 is the perfect balance of business and leisure for you, Aquarius!

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