Thursday, December 20, 2012

If this is the end.

For the record, I AM NOT one of these people that actually believe its ending. I have a strong faith in God and the fact that no one will know. But if it was, what would you have to say to people?

To keep from having a "hey you left me out" moment, I am going to generalize to different groups of people in my life. With a few exceptions. So here it goes.

Lance, my love, my life, my heart and my soul. I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you. Everyday I think about how lucky I am to be a part of your life. You have done so much to make me feel loved and I hope that I have done enough to return the feeling. You make me smile when I'm sad, happy when I am mad, sane when I go crazy and calm when I get frantic. You are every love song all in one and always first person i think of in the morning and the last I think of at night. Forever and always babe.

To my girls, I have never in my life loved anything as much as you two. I am so proud of the little girls you are and you amaze me everyday with the things you say and do. You are the perfect mix of myself and your dad and I am so excited to watch what amazing things you will do in life. I will be there with you, every step of the way. You are incredible and never forget that.

To my family, You guys have always been there for me. Forever. and my life would not be where it is today without every single one of you. I found best friends in so many of you and although sometimes we are a little too crazy for words, it is amazing to know I always have people in my life that have no choice but to love me . :)

To my best friends. My BFFS. Those that are old, those that are newer, and those that are no longer.
Being hte best at something isn't always easy, but being best friends with all of you was the easiest thing in my life. You have all seen me laugh and cry. You have watched me get angry and watched me be happy. I always can count on you guys to be there for me when I need someone to tell me Im right and tell me it is always ok. To tell me that I am ok. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To my navy family, the one family I never asked for but am so glad I got. I need you guys in my life more than I ever really knew. This life is hard. REALLY hard and without you guys, I would not survived. To those that give us guidance, your words of wisdom have done so much for us and made this journey a little easier. For the ones that keep us sane when the navy makes us crazy, you guys are our glue. You keep our lives in place when the world gets so chaotic. Our kids are so lucky to have "aunts" and "uncles" in so many of you, and to find best friends, first boyfriends ( Joe and Emily, I am talking to you guys! ) and family in your children. This life is hard. But you all make it easier!
To all my facebook friends. Thanks for keeping me entertained. I get so bored late at night when Lance is deployed and without you all, I would probably have watched everything on netflix by now. Thank you all for keeping my confidence high and my crazy low. It is always nice to be so interactive with people I barely see!!

To those that don't think they fit into any of those, trust me you do. By reading this , I know for a fact that you are an important part of my life and I wouldn't trade that for the world.

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