Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Im pretty sure Im losing track of time.

It is very obvious that my "write my blog every night" plan is a complete bust. This sickness is really taking its toll on this house and honestly I have been too exhausted to even think about it. As everyone knows it started with the stomach flu. From there it turned into a cough for the girls. On Sat evening it just seemed to be getting worse. C had a fever. A had a fever. Sunday was spent with my girls periodically napping and being miserable. Sunday night my younger brother and sister stayed over so that I could watch them while my mom and step dad worked on Monday. My brother also has this cough and cough so hard he got sick. I took him to the dr the next morning and decided I should get the girls seen also.

 Fast forward to that afternoon. Turns out A has an ear infection, but her lungs sound clear which is good. C on the other hand had to get an xray done because the Dr though she might have some form of pneumonia where food particles got into her lungs from the vomiting. Thank the lord the xray was clean and she just needs antibiotics. But the Dr. did say that if she doesn't get better after the 10 days then it will be time for some blood work and stuff. He said her length of time for sickness is a little concerning. It seems like when she gets sick its worse then anybody that has it. It takes her FOREVER to get over it and she gets REALLY sick. I get worried about there being some underlined issues that stem from a rough start at birth. Only time will tell I guess. Needless to say I spent 4 hours at the hospital on Monday.

 Yesterday I went to my moms to watch my bro and sis. There I was excited to learn that I was down to 270 AFTER i ate breakfast! lol. Good news for me. I have this cough too so I am taking it easy on working out this week but I have been doing well with my eating. Not having sweets in the house helps :P I am hoping next week I can get back to the gym. I also went to dinner with a great friend and then did a little shopping at the mall. My sister was nice enough to watch the girls for me so I could get a little break! I needed it. I love my girls with all I have but the whining and crying takes alot out of me. I need a mental health break to regain control of the situation!

The only thing on my agenda today is meeting with the speech therapist to go over the paperwork for C. I plan on putting my music on and cleaning this house. My 2 other little sisters from port angeles are coming down next week for spring break and i need the house clean!

Its time to stop blogging and get to coloring a picture with cailyn. First time in days she has wanted to do anything but lay in bed. <3

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about all the sickies. Yuck!
    Congrats on your weight!!! You got this girl!
