Tuesday, March 8, 2011

rough night

Tonight was hard. Every time I started to clean up one mess they girls made another. The just pushed and pushed me to my limit time after time today. They both are in bed , and went surprisingly easy all things considered so now its just me and my thoughts for the rest of the night.

 Thought 1 - 9 months is a really looong time
 Thought 2 - its a lot harder to eat your feelings if you don't have any junkfood!!
 Thought 3- I really should go to bed soon, I am exhausted.

Today as far as food goes went well. Poached eggs for breakfast along with some strawberries and a cup of coffee , a turkey wrap for lunch and some whole wheat pasta *small serving* with turkey meatballs for dinner. I snacked on a little chocolate but eh not a bad day if you ask me. Tomorrow is going to be super busy so I am hoping to keep up my good effort and make smart choices. I am also hoping a good night sleep will do my kids some good. I know it will me. I feel so off and those that know me personally know me out of my routine is not a good thing. However my incredible anxiety seems to be under control. I was so nervous that I wasn't going to sleep at night but I seem to be doing fine. I am having little moments of panic because lance still isn't permanently settled over there.. some paperwork and things is keeping him from having a permanent place to stay. Hoping his 9 months school isn't gonna cost us. Bleh. Happy thoughts .. happy thoughts! Almost Wednesday.. half way through my busy week. Hope I can find some energy to make it! LOL

1 comment:

  1. I can see how that would impact your finances, I hope you get separation pay or something!
