Wednesday, March 16, 2011

one hell of a wednesay

I lost it today. Full on sobbing. Ive got a lot on my plate and as good as I am doing at keeping my anxiety at a bay, its a little tough when my trigger is losing control and I have no control over a few things . No panic attacks today I feel so emotionally drained. Even more then the day I dropped him off . I am more then ready for bed. Thank goodness Ashlin is already asleep!

Aside from being on an emotional roller coaster from hell today, I had a decent day. Ate well. Got a good deal on a few things at the store. Girls behaved for the most part. I just couldn't keep my mind from worse case scenarioing everything. Instead of picking up a tub of ice cream or making an unhealthy dinner I decided to bake my stress away. I found a great recipe in my hungry girl book for marshmellow chocolate cupcakes. They dont looks the prettiest but with a set of little helping hands i wont complain!

Here is a breakdown of the nutrition facts.

1 reg sized cupcake
2g protein
109 calories
2g fat
230g sodium
21 carbs
.75g fiber
12.5g sugar

Not TOTALLY healthy but WAY better then what I COULD be eating. I also think I am going to get up early and bake some banana bread.  I love having my "comfort" food in a healthier way.  Tomorrow I am going to gym again. But for now I am going to sit and watch some TV and eat a cupcake. Goodnight world!


  1. They look good!! Your right, probably not as good as it could be, but way better than a normal cupcake with tons of sweet frosting. I am so very proud of you :) As for the melt down, it was gonna happen, but at least you dealt with it & powered thru like the strong woman I know you are :)

  2. I know its hard when they are gone. Silly military. I honestly think it is harder on the wives. we should get paid for our suffering! I'm struggling now that my husband is home... his cooking is way too delicious. *sigh* I always wanted to marry a man who could cook... I got what I wanted but it does make it harder to push the plate away when I'm full. <3 you girl,and I would totally eat one of those cupcakes. :D

  3. Hey, you gotta give yourself some treats sometimes! Go girl!
