Thursday, March 24, 2011

apparently sick is the new black.

I hate being sick. I hate feeling sick, I hate getting sick. I hate it. The only benefit is the awesome weight loss it gives me for the week. Its because I can't eat anything and I cant workout. I can barely clean the house and for those that know me well..that's a shock. I am starting to feel better this evening but my dinner consisted of a bowl of cheerios. The thought of anything else sounded awful.

 I did feel well enough today to head to old navy and get some clothes. I went in for flips flops and came out with a few nice spring pieces!! ALL on clearance! And I am happy to report for the first time  ever I love the way all of it looks on me. I can tell the little changes on my body and I like it!

 As I said in my last post I was looking at wedding venues with an old friend of mine the past few days. I am so excited for her wedding and even more honored to be a bridesmaid! However the rest of her party is GORGEOUS so I really need to get my butt in gear :P No sense in looking like a stuffed sausage in a dress lol.

Ok and how about this nice weather the past 2 days? I remember last summer when I hated being outside. I was always sweaty and uncomfortable * all in places i didn't know could even get sweaty and uncomfortable* I really cant wait for this summer though. I plan on spending lots of time outside with the girls. They really love it out there. I mean they are kids after all. I just have this awful fear of dirt lol. and bugs.

My goal for next week is simple. Do what I feel is my best. No number, no eating plan. Just a conscience effort to do my best at losing weight! What are goals for the next week?


  1. My goal is to eat better & to see more loss than gain on the scale no matter how little the loss is :) I'm gonna go grocery shopping & buy me stuff to eat the Hungry Girl way!!! :)

  2. my goal is to survive working (hopefully all week) while trying to stay on my diet. overcoming the stress eating this week will be hard! good luck with your goal!
