Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the fun house mirror effect.

It's a wide known fact that most women stand in front of a mirror and complain about how "fat" they look. They wish there thighs were smaller or that didn't have that little belly. They pinch, the poke, they suck and they tuck. It is just how women are. But what I find weird is that I do the opposite. I think I look smaller then I really am, I see the skinny girl buried inside. I always step away thinking, "wow you look great today" Its hard to look at candid shot of myself. I have perfected the art of the facebook self portrait. Head tilted right.. chest up and only take it when I am all made up. In candid shots though I see the me everyone else sees and its tough. I see the fat me.

The good news is, is that since last Thursday I have lost 5 lbs. I am doing so good and its really easy to not eat the carbs. I feel lighter every day :)

Making my grocery list was easy.. meats, veggies, hot dogs *well turkey dogs, no red meat for this gal* Simple. easy. cheap. <3 it <3 it <3 it.

I feel my confidence coming back... I feel my sexy coming back * yes cue J Timba now* I am sticking with this one.. i hope :)

I know it seems like I have this pattern of losing, gaining, starting, stopping. It's because that's exactly what I am doing. Life being overweight is consumed with food, what you should and should not eat. It is overran with thoughts of being thin and fantasizing about the clothes you'll be able to wear and the things you will be able to do. Its a battle. Day in and day out. Slowly, one step and one day at a time I am fighting this battle. With every lb gone I am winning my battle.


  1. You are WINNING!!! Your doing great Holli, 5lbs in one week that is super... Did I tell you how beatiful you are inside and out? Well you are and I see a pin up model in the works ;) I got connections to hook you up for a shoot when your ready. Look at my fb friend Sugar June "Shelby" she does the whole pin up "rockabilly" style. She use to be a big girl and now at age 30something she is Rocking it... Everytime I see her photo's and all the others ladies of all shapes and sizes on After Midnight Photography, I think man Holli would be perfect! Check it out and let me know what you think :)

  2. AWWWWWW thanks so much andrea!! i looked through the photography website and thats right up my alley. I want to do it so bad its not even funny!! the women look amazing! I think I am going to contact them when im looking to do a shoot! WINNING!
