Sunday, May 8, 2011

booking it

So I have decided to write a book. Bascially along the same lines as my blog, a first hand look at what being overweight is. I have about 7 chapter titles so far and am really excited to start on it. It may or may not pan out but I am going to give it a go. I am really excited and I hope
I can count on you guys to buy it when it hits shelves..:)

Another positive thing is that I am down 4lbs since thursday. I know the atkins works so I am not surprised really, but I am excited! I had a fantastic mothers day and stepping on the scale was the icing on the non existant cake!! My mom got me a bunch of outdoor garden stuff so I can get my green thumb on!! Now if I can just get some sun Ill be set!

I know this is a short post but Ill think of something fun to write about for tomorrow.


  1. I will be first in line at the book signing! :) You ROCK Holli!

  2. YES i enjoy your blog so i would also buy this book


    It's a website on how to publish a book, you can send in things now (or when you are ready before the book is done) and get an also self publishes and has a lot of info on it..
