Tuesday, January 10, 2012

funny story.

I am going to start today by telling you guys a funny story. It is OK to laugh, chuckle, snort whatever if you want. I will not be offended. I promise.

 So, as most mothers do, I am trying to make sure my girls practice healthy habits. My oldest does great. My youngest however would eat spoonfuls of sugar if I would let her. She is a sweet freak, but she comes by it honestly. I told her one night that she could not have another snack, and as most 3 year olds do she simply replied back with a "why." My response to her was that if she ate too many snacks she would get bigger and bigger and be too big. With her big brown eyes and adorable smile she looks right at me and goes
" you must have eaten ALL the snacks"

Ouch right? I was slightly mortified, humiliated and amused. I am glad she recognizes what I meant by big, and that yes, I have eaten way too many snacks lol. So I stopped snacking..kind of. I am a nighttime over eater.  If the hubs and I are sitting watching TV at night I will grab something every time I walk through the kitchen, which is alot. I have now, and for the past 5 nights not had a single bite of anything after 8pm. I sleep better, I feel better when I get up, I am hungry enough to not forget breakfast. It is alot easier than I thought. I am still doing the vegetarian thing but I will be REALLY glad to stop on Feb 1st. I want some chicken, BAD.

I am very faithful to the gym. Today was weird though because there were SO many people in the family room at the gym. 11 to be exact. Its usually me by myself or like 2 other people. You could tell some ladies were upset that all the elliptical were taken * there are only 3* and you could tell people were getting annoyed at the machines they had to work with. I didn't care though, I got an elliptical lol. And half of them wont be back after Jan 31st anyway haha. One thing I did notice was that everyone except for myself and another gal came in pairs. Why is that?? It seems like so many women CANNOT go to the gym without using the buddy system. I would rather be alone, work at my own speed and rock out to my music instead of keeping up a conversation or following someone around on THEIR routine. I guess its the one time in the day where I don't have anyone bugging me!!

How are you health habits going now with all the hype of getting in shape around?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, gotta love the honesty of kids :) I can't think of a time when I've ever gone to the gym alone, whether it was in high school or on base.. but that has only been a handful of times, lol. I prefer out door group activities like walking the bridges in Bremerton or the track at BHS (ready Kelly D?) I feel like I can keep that up longer than if I were doing it alone, with just my ipod. I think I have a short attention span and 15 minutes would feel like an hour. Other than that I'm using my treadmill at home these days. Not so much a New Year's thing but a "I don't want to be completely winded while giving birth" kind of thing. If I had to leave my house I probably wouldn't. You're right though all those people will be gone after this month and you'll once again have the place to yourself ;) Keep up the good work!
