Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I have not blogged in about a decade.. or at least it feels like it. But because my husband is FINALLY back and I now can use the laptop vs my phone, you all are in for a treat! I have lots of things to blog about so lets get started
 First I guess I will start by saying, it was a rough summer weight wise. I'm still down under 265 but not where I should be to reach my goal by NYE lol. But never the less I am on a healthy track and I am really OK with that part. It might take a few years but I will get there, a pound at a time. I am still an emotion eater, and I have my binge days where I eat stuff I know I shouldn't, in amounts that might disgust some people, but for the most part my eating habits are healthy and that's what matters.. or at least that's what helps me sleep at night!
   So now that we are all caught up, I wanted to share this photo with you guys. I saw it on pinterest and thought it was pretty awesome.
This is something that i found amazing. The number on a scale is just that. A number. I am so glad I never gave into buying a scale. I don't want to be trapped in a number. I want to be living my life, being a great mom, a kick ass wife, an amazing best friend, a fabulous daughter and better sister. The people around me will notice a difference in who I am on the outside based on the hard work I put in and how great that makes me feel on the inside, not by the number that comes up when I waddle on the scale!!
  Another thing I wanted to touch on was the roller coaster issue. I went on ONE and the reason I went on one because I realized I am no longer a fan of roller coasters. I felt like my glasses were gonna fall off, I wanted to vomit. I had a tough time getting the thing to latch , it was a lap one. But the guys operating the ride at Dollywood were great. They kept me calm and  squeezed my fat enough to get me in!! I still can't ride the ones where the harness comes down in front, but that's because my boobs are just too big. Hopefully losing more weight will help that too. We are planning a Disneyland trip for end of next year and if I can get another 30-50 lbs gone I should be good for all rides lol.
   We received a free elliptical from a coworker of my step dad. Its really nice but we are having a hard time finding a place to put it. I told lance that even if we don't find a space for it right now, when we get a bigger house it will come in handy. I plan on having a space for some gym equipment. I want the girls to see that there always needs to be a place everyday for activity!
I plan on trying to blog more each and everyday so stick with me folks!!!


  1. Glad your back girl! I just started to get back into my blog routine too :)

  2. Big boobs always get in the way! People say they want them, but we know the truth. They're a blessing and a curse.
