Monday, November 21, 2011

Its begining to look alot like christmas...

And that means Holiday food!!! EEEKKK! Every year I do the whole "this year I am gonna eat healthier and not gain any weight yadda yadda" and guess what happens every year? I end up eating 4 buckeyes and 6 sugar cookies in one sitting then cry to myself in the shower about my lack of will power. Kinda pathetic, but it true. The difference this year is that I am actively working out at least 2 times a week. I know thats not alot but its something and I am really learning to make the most of that time. I push myself everytime and I cant ask for much more than that. I am gonna try to stay away from the carbs like breads and potatoes though. I have slacked since Lance came home and I def feel it. I am more sluggish and my super powers I gained to do it everything myself while he was gone, have faded as well.

On an awesomer note, I am looking at finally doing my photo shoot. Its looking like Feb sometime and I am getting a chance to do it with a group of friends and I am excited. Of course they are all gorgeous and thin but I am gonna rock it. I feel like if I can keep this in my head maybe I will put down the cookies and pick up something more healthy! I am waiting til right before the shoot to buy any outfits, I would like to set a goal of 20 lbs, but I am gonna start small and set a December goal of 5 lbs. If I can just FEEL better it will make all the difference. Anybody have any tips on lookin super sexy?

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