Thursday, December 30, 2010

What it's all about.

So here it is... I started a blog. The point of this blog is to help me keep on track. On track for what exactly? My weight loss, that's what. My goal for 2011 is to be half my size by new years eve. Its going to take alot of work and Im not excited about it. What I am excited for however is what a new lease on life it will give me. 
  I've done this before and I WILL do it again. I will post photos of my progress and keep everybody updated on my highs and lows. I've got a ton of goals, like running in the whale of a run in July, fitting into my original wedding dress and most of all to lose over 100 lbs in a year. I will list my daily activities and my calorie intake. Any help and advice I can get will be taken to heart so advise away! Also lets keep the fat jokes to a minimum of 2 a week per reader :)
  This is all I have time for right now but I will update later tonight!


  1. Way to go Holli! You inspire me in so many ways. You are such a caring and bubbly person. You are determined and motivated and dodge obstacles that come your way. You are a person that many people look up too. One thing I ask is don't loose your bubbly personalitie along the way. GO HOLLI!
