Sunday, September 4, 2011

Its been way too long.

So I have not blogged in ages. Doing it from my phone annoys and frustrates me sometimes. But I am on an actual computer so I figured Id update a bit. Not too long though considering I am FINALLY sitting side by side with my HUSBAND!!!!!!!!

Things are fab, I am on vacation at my in laws.In the south. Have you ever tried eating healthy in the south? Its nearly impossible. Nothing comes in sugar free and my beloved leafy greens seem to have up and ran away from every grocery store withing 100 miles. BUT i am trying my best, with a few missteps along the way. However I am sweating so much because of the damn humidity that it feels like I've worked out every day. HAHA. I did walk about a mile today though and that made me happy. Yesterday I walked so much and sweated so much that Ill call that a workout too lol. We were at a Tennessee vols football game and it was amazing. I however was sticky,sweaty and I am sure a little smelly. TOTALLY worth it though.

I guess my go get em attitude tapered off a bit, being healthy is still on the top of my daily list of must dos. But the number in my head is becoming less of a haunting nightmare and more of a friend, someone who moved away and will be moving back within the next year or so. We are going to meet for coffee and chat about the old days and the great times we will have shopping and dancing and going to the gym together. I know I wont see it tomorrow but eventually and that's comforting.

love to you all. forever and always!

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